These are minutes as taken. Subject to revision.
Yarmouth Art Society
Art Gallery of NS
February 25, 2017
The Annual General Meeting of the Yarmouth Art Society was called to order at 12:00 noon with President Margriet Knubben in the chair.
Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting were accepted as read.
Dan Earle read the annual financial statement. Total funds carried forward as of February 27, 2016 was $2905.20, total funds as of February 25, 2017 is $3310.62. Treasurer’s report was accepted as read.
Margriet Knubben gave the President’s Report summarizing the past year’s activities
Virginia Stoddard presented the Nominations committee report with the proposed slate of officers for 2017. The proposed slate is:
Past President – Virginia Stoddard
President – Margriet Knubben
Vice President – David Gorman
Treasurer – Dan Earle
Secretary – Noella DeMille
There being no further nominations, the report of the nominations committee was approved.
Virginia also reported that Ivan Blades, Paulette Babin and Virginia Stoddard make up the exhibits committee and David Gorman looks after publicity/promotion.
Noella DeMille
Yarmouth Art Society Meeting
February 25, 2017 at AGNS
The meeting was called to order at 12:15 pm, following the AGA.
Minutes from the January meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s report: For the perior from January 28, 2017 to February 25, 2017 total funds carried forward was $2798.40, total funds balance was $3310.62. Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Old Business:
Spring Show: Art work for our Spring Show can be dropped off at the YARC print shop until March 1 as it will be hung on Thursday, March 2. The opening reception for the show will be on Saturday, March 4 from 3:00 until 5:00 pm. Wayne Gorman will be playing the piano and we ask that YAS members bring finger foods.
New Business:
Show withWrite Away Group: Virginia spoke with Janice Comeau and Janice said that the write away group has other plans and will not be able to participate in a pairings event this year. It was discussed and agreed that Dave Gorman speak with Marilyn Francis to see if the First Nations group might be interested in a joint show with us.
Executive Board Members: Our Annual General Meeting preceeded this meeting and the following Board Members were nominated and approved: Past President, Virginia Stoddard; President, Margriet Knubben; Vice-President, David Gorman; Treasurer, Dan Earle; Secretary, Noella DeMille.
Other: Cecil proposed that the YAS purchase an art book to donate to the library in memory of Sheila Miller, this was approved. Virginia will look for a suitable book. Virginia has now purchased the art book on behalf of the YAS to donate to the library in memory of Alex Gigeroff. It was suggested and approved that we provide finger foods for the opening reception of Brian Porter’s up-coming show at the museum.
Next Meeting will be March 25, 2017 at 12:00 noon at the AGNS.
Respectfully submitted
Noella DeMille