Looking out Looking in Exhibition

Opening reception March 2, 2019 1pm

The theme of windows for this project takes its inspiration from Maud Lewis and the brightly coloured flowers she painted on her window panes. This theme was chosen to align with the goal of this project, connecting seniors to the wider community through arts-related activities. Just as a window both lets someone see out and lets illuminating light into a building, art can serve as both as a way for an individual to look into their own life and experiences as well as, through the presentation to the wider community, be seen by those who view the finished artwork. Maud’s windows brightened her view on the world and let people going by glimpse the work of the artist who lived there. The works on display here are the result of a number of workshops and events that occurred over the last year. These activities often had participants drawing upon their own memories and experiences as the basis for the works that were created.

Come view the results, have some refreshments, and learn about upcoming public workshop opportunities. This project funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.

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