Minutes of April Meeting

These are unapproved minutes of April meeting. Any changes will be reflected in future meeting notes.

Yarmouth Art Society

Minutes of April 27, 2019 Meeting

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Yarmouth

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm.

Wendy Majestic was invited to join us and speak about the Sara Corning project that is coming up in September. She informed us that Sara Corning was born in Chegoggin in 1872. She studied in the U.S. and was a nurse who became known for her nursing and humanitarian work,  saving thousands of Greek, Armenian and Assyrian orphans and refugees. After assisting during the aftermath of the Halifax explosion,  Sara joined the Near East Relief effort, working mainly with orphans providing housing and emphasizing education.  The Sara Corning Centre for Genocide Education in Toronto was named in her honor in 2011. Sara returned to Chegoggin when she retired and she died in 1969 at the age of 97. On the weekend of September 14-15 a statue of Sara will be unveiled on the Yarmouth County Museum property, a play about her life will be presented  and there will be other activities. Wendy was at our meeting to ask if we’d be interested in having an art exhibit during the month of September with art work inspired by Sara or her life’s work.

Virginia spoke about the summer art camp that is currently being organized as a partnership between the AGNS and YAS. The tentative plan is for 4 days, 3 hours per day for a total of 12 hours for children aged 8 to 12. Virginia will have more details at the May meeting.

Minutes of the March 23, 2019 meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer’s report: Dan was unable to attend. Margriet said nothing had changed since last month, no income and no expenses.

New Business:

Sara Corning project: After Wendy Majestic’s presentation, it was decided that we would participate in an art exhibit during the month of September. This would likely be at the Holy Trinity Church hall.

Old Business:

Shows at the Museum: No changes to shows coming up in the Fall.

Art classes for children: This was cancelled, only 3 children registered.

Artwork in hospital: Margriet hasn’t heard anything new about this. She will contact the committee that is organizing this project at the hospital. The Clare and the Pubnico art groups are interested in participating.

YAS networking: Margaret Jeddry said that Diane Nadon from Conseil des Arts de la Baie, is very interested in participating in the art work project at the hospital and she would like to meet with some members of YAS to discuss this further. The 4 Ateliers show will be in Church Point from May 4 to June 15 with an opening reception on May 11 at 2:00 pm.

Other: Margriet said that there are frames and mats available free in the closet of the room upstairs at the YARC if anyone is interested. Father Maurice’s show opens on May 1. There will be figure drawing classes at Holy Trinity Church on May 1, 8, 22 and 29 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Bill Curry is organizing “Art by the Bay” an activity to display and sell art in Port Maitland. Margaret said there are 3 printshop sessions coming up in May in Church Point on Saturdays May 4, 18 and 25 from 10:00 till 2:00. From July 18 to August 1, Gary Stewart along with 2 friends, will have a show called “Art to the Third Power” at Holy Trinity Church.

Round Table: We had an interesting round table talk.

Next meeting will be May 25 at 1:00 pm at the AGNS.

Respectfully submitted,

Noella DeMille

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